Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I will.....

[WoW! 4th post for the month!!!- Now that's something we've not seen in awhile aye? :P
I use to take blogging seriously but now I guess you should realise that this space is here for my blues and pimping stuff.]

I will find it in myself to not be so angry. I will find it in myself to not be so sulky. I will find it in myself to not worry so much. I will find it in myself to be hopeful, optimistic, forgiving and happy, and I will find it in myself to sleep on things before I take drastic actions. Most of all, I will find it in myself to not regret the things I do ( good or bad), and to learn from them.

P/S: How many of you are still in par with your New Year's resolution(s)?? Man! I am finding it EXTREMELY difficult- but I am not going to give up just yet. I mean come on! It's only February for Pete's sake :P

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Postcard Swap: The Love Edition

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

I just got back from (a tiring day at) work. I went to my snail mail box and there in a pile full of boring mails and bills I saw this envelope addressed to me in bright pink writing!
And it came all the way from:


A few months back I stumbled upon this AMAZING photography come blog called Chookooloonks. Tell you what- I am so in love with it- the blog that is ;) Anyway sometime last month the author of this blog; Karen had organised this thing called postcard swap: The true love edition. I thought the idea was so cool that as uncreative and boring as I am, I should give it a go and emailed her expressing my interest to be apart of it. A couple of weeks later, I didn't hear anything from her and it turned out that she didn't even received my email to begin with. Anyway I emailed her back saying that it was ok and that hopefully I will get a chance to participate in the next postcard swap.

She replied back saying how sorry she was and said that she will send me a card instead! What a serious act of kind gesture :)

She's such an amazing photographer!

After seeing her card, I now feel like really bad for that card that I made and send to her :S. I mean seriously mine is just so crappy compared to hers. I am not even sure whether has it reached safely at Texas.
If you're reading this Karen- I'm So Sorry! :P

All I have to say for now is Thank You! This has definitely put a big smile on my face. *HuGs*

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Two to the Five at NOBU

I've just turned a quarter of a century old on Chinese New Year this year!AND would naively like to take that as a sign of some sort of great prosperity coming up my way ;) ha-ha!

My journey from 24 to 25 has been a life lesson that no money can buy,no book can teach and no degree can gain. The older I get, the more that life has thought and reminded me of what's important for me. Although for now I can't really say that I have found my true calling, however, there's no doubt in my mind that I am getting closer to it. It's a gut feeling.

As much as I am not keen to admit this, I am now an adult. I have responsibilities that I try to carry them out as well as possible. I have to make decisions that may not always favour me or to the people who are close to me but it is the best possible solution to the situation. I have learn to face problems with courage and strength. Life cannot always be fair to me or be served in a silver platter.

All these years, when I woke up on in the morning of my birthday, I always wished, wished for things material and non material. But this year I woke up not wishing for anything. Instead for the first time in my entire life I said Thank You. To me, that was sign that I was no longer a child or a teenager but an adult who is eagerly looking to forward to what life has to offer.

OK. Enough of the sentiments :P

I didn't do much on the actual day instead of going to work and later in the evening decided to treat two of my closest friends in the whole wide world to dinner at NOBU!!!!

Let the Snap shots do the talking:
With Miss Gooi
Jol and Cyn- sharing the Birthday together for the 3rd year in a row!

First meal of the day: Tacos (Japanese style)- Salmon, Lobster, Crab and Tuna
Mocktails: Laici and Lime-S0 refreshing!
New style Sashimi: I swear I could easily have a giant bowl of this :P!

An all time favourite: Crispy OYSTERS!
The Oyster Monsters :P
The Black Cod: YUM! is all I have to say.
Moreton Bay Bugs with Jalepino
The best shushi and sashimi platter ever! The soft shell crab sushi was AWESOME!!!!

The only thing that didn't amuse me at all. God knows what it was.
This one on the other hand was a pleasant surprise: Can't go wrong with chocolate can we ;)
The green tea ice cream was so far the best that I've had!!!!!!!
The (very) contented Birthday Girl :P

And what better way to end the night then shamelessly cam-whoring :P
Ha-Ha :)
I also had another small celebration last night with a few more other friends. I didn't bring my camera (though this shall not be a problem in the near future :P) so I have wait to be tagged with the photos on Facebook (hopefully soon) and I will blog more about that FUN & AWESOME night!!!!!!!!!

In the mean time- you have to rely on this
Love you all.
Nite Nite!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

12 Embarassing/Weird/Quirky/ No-So-Proud-of Facts about MOI

[Now if you look closely to your screen (at this blog of mine), I bet you can see one or two cob webs. Seriously.]

1. I H-A-T-E ironing. I hate it with a passion! I am now trying various washing and hanging tactics that will result in less ironing.

2. I am addicted to cook shows and BBC.

3. Given me the chance I would have instant noodles like everyday. Every time I go to the Asian Grocery, my shopping basket will be filled with instant noodle from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and Korea. I would like to consider them as my form of comfort food.

4. I would like buy a house in 12-18 months so that I will have a place called Home.

5. I would like to go to New York. So far the plan is to go by 2009.

6. I haven't cut my hair in almost 12 months because for some strange reason I can't get around to doing it.

7. I have a silent passion for photography but still have a lot to learn. By the time no.5 comes I would want to own a nice SLR camera ;).

8. I'm turning a quarter of a century old next week :S.

9. I've learned that life is too short to be in an unhealthy relationship (romantic or otherwise)

10. I can't stand people who are so picky with food. Why can't they just be thankful that have food to begin with.

11. Bookstores (Readings, Borders) are my place of refuge.

12. I love sea food! Just had 12 chili mussels and damn they were good!

P/s: My recent trip back home was absafreakinglutely fantabulous!!!! It was such a joy to have met up and spend some quality time with all of my family and friends. What a blessing I tell you.